SHAUN OF THE DEADIn a change of pace, today's recommendation mixes a bit of humor with the scares. Actually, this British import is much more funny than scary -- unless you are terrified of zombies!
Bill Nighy, playing Shaun's hated step father, as usual, tries to steal every scene he is in. But the heart of the movie is Simon Pegg, playing Shaun, an everyday bloke who is just trying to rescue his ex-girlfriend and prove his love... in the midst of a city wide zombie attack. Shaun is joined on this quest by his slacker best friend, Ed, whose help is somewhat questionable, but sincere.
Shaun of the Dead is a fun satirical commentary on friendship, love, and society AND a good old fashion zombie movie. You can't beat that with ... a cricket bat.
And remember, you can find all your favorite horror movies at the library. Check back here every day for staff recommendations of their favorite horror movies.
Recommended by H.M. in Adult and S.S. in Computer Services.
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