Friday, August 12, 2011

In the Santuary of Outcasts: A Memoir - Neil White

Leprosy, a mob lawyer, a quack doctor, federal prison, check kiting, and magazine publishing, are part of White’s memoir.

Neil White, Ole Miss. grad, sets out to establish two multi-million dollar regional magazines. Check kiting, keeps these ventures afloat for awhile, until he winds up at Carville, Louisiana, a federal prison and the last leprosy hospital in the United States. While serving an 18 month sentence, White looks at the history of leprosy, his own life, fellow inmates: a mob lawyer, a quack doctor, a drug dealer, and in the hospital: leprosy patients , Ella, a mother figure, a blind husband and wife, and a Catholic priest who ministers to patients and prisoners. Themes of tension and distrust between the lepers and the prisoners, between White and his wife, and between White and his business connections are woven into a history of leprosy treatment in the United States and a memoir. --Carol Kinnaird

Reserve this book here.

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