Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Big Sister is So Bossy She Says You Can't Read This Book by: Mary Hershey

I won't lie...I thought this was going to be a fluff sort of book. Based on the fun cover I felt my assumption was spot on. I was so wrong, though. It was anything but fluff.

Effie's dad is in prison for a white collar crime, and her big sister Maxey has just stolen money from the Scout's treasury that Effie is responsible for. I identified with Effie through her struggle over what to do about her sister's thievery. I'm a little sister too, and it can be tough to stand up to your big sis. My dad was never in prison, but he was in the Army. Because of that he was away a lot. Effie's dad was away, too, and at a time when she really needed him. So, what does she do about her sister? How does she deal with her dad's absence? I'm not telling. You'll have to read it to find out.

This story is very well written and a hidden treasure in the library stacks. It's much more than I had anticipated.


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