Friday, January 9, 2009

The Longing The Courtship of Nellie Fisher book 3 by Beverly Lewis

Nellie Fisher and Caleb Yoder have ended their budding relationship. This is one result of the split in the Old Order Amish Church. Caleb is determined to stay with the traditional rules and lifestyle of his youth-life in the Old Order Amish Community. Nellie and her family have found new life in the New Order church. The church split has even divided families and couples like the breakup of Nellie and Caleb. David Yoder has always been known as being proud and stubborn. In the middle of all the confusion among the People, David had a stroke which left him paralyzed and in need of help. It is very hard for him to ask for any kind of help. When friends and family from the Old and New Order Church offered their help, love, prayers and he was resistant to all but a few. Caleb, his son, does accept help with the milking when his cousin Chris offers his services. What will happen when David learns that a Mennonite is helping in his barn? Nellie's sister, Rhoda, is still in her time of running around before joining the church. And she decides to move into town, rent an apartment with conveniences like electricity and modern appliances. She has even bought a car and is driving to and from her job as waitress. Her 'fancy' boyfriend cooks for her in his apartment and wants her to stay late. This has put a strain on Rhoda's relationship with her brother, her landlord for now. What should Nellie do in her relationships with Caleb who she still loves, her sister who needs guidance and Chris who is interested in her?

Of all the stories by Lewis which I have read about the Amish I found this to be more open about the Plain lifestyle and its problems. Each book opens up more questions about a way of life which is so different from ours. People I have met from the Plain community are as different from each other as we are and they are each special.

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