Friday, August 15, 2008

Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

Claire grew up being dragged about the country by her mother only to be left at the Waverly family home in Bascom, North Carolina, with her sister and grandmother. There she learned that her heritage was different from that of normal families. Her sister, Sydney, ran away from that heritage and then return ten years later, in need of security and love. Claire was able to give Sydney a stable home environment plus the encouragement to grow and develop her own special Waverly gift. Claire's gift was in knowing and using plants and flowers in her catering business and relationships with other people. Even Evanelle had a special gift-she gave people gifts which they would someday need. This made Evanelle seem odd but Claire realized she embraced her gift and used it to help people. When Tyler moved next door Claire tried to keep him from becoming acquainted with her world. But if that had worked she would have missed knowing his world. One of the most unusual parts of this story is the apple tree that reaches out to people and throws apples at people. The family does not eat the apples but buries them. If anyone does eat an apple they will have a vision which may or may not be pleasant or terrifying. Claire and her family seem to be guardians of such knowledge and powers.

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