Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Joshua: A Parable for Today by Joseph F. Girzone

Joshua moved to a small town called Auburn, renting a house on the outskirts. There he enjoyed his simple lifestyle in peace and quiet and spent time filling orders in his woodworking shop. That was his only source of income and he enjoyed making for people everything from statues to furniture. Word spread of a man who lived alone, made amazing things out of wood and had a deep understanding of God and religion. Most adults and children enjoyed being with Joshua and having conversations with him. Some of the clergy in Auburn became wary of him because of what they thought he was teaching their parishioners. Even when some ministers became agitated in their comments Joshua remained calm and gave thorough explanations of his beliefs. He visited several churches in town and the nearby synagogue when invited by members. His simple life became busier and complicated and He remained the same calm person, always ready to help someone in need.

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