Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Shelter of Hope by Tracie Peterson Westward Chronicles #1

Simone Dumas grew up in the Wyoming Territory in the 1880s. Her home was not only lacking in love but was physically and emotionally abusive. When she was ten years old her mother's arm was broken by her husband. That was the last straw and she took Simone's tiny brother and left-fully intending to return with the law and rescue Simone from a living nightmare. When her mother was no longer there to receive the beatings, Louis Dumas turned to Simone for his release of hatred. Trapping in the area was less profitable than earlier years so Simone's father decided to move to Colorado and try mining. When in town he met a man who wanted to settle in the area. Louis took this opportunity and sold his property, traps and Simone to the stranger. He took the new owner home, grabbed his belongings and left Simone with her new life as Mrs. Davis. She fed the man and then began gathering her belongings. Mr. Davis decided to make Simone his wife but she had other ideas. After she hit him over the head she took her bundle and his horse and left. Before someone found his body Simone wanted to be out of the area. After days on horseback she took a train to Chicago where she learned about work at Harvey restaurants. And so began a new life for her in new places with people who really cared. But she did not know how to trust and was afraid to love. Someday the law would catch her. This was her constant fear. Until she finally decided to trust and confide in others.

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