Thursday, September 13, 2007

Mail-order Husband by DiAnn Mills

When Lena Walker's husband died in the Nebraska of 1880, she was faced with a huge goal: to raise her two boys as Christians and run her farm successfully. Some of the men in the area thought she needed a man so they tried to advise her and a couple even proposed marriage. She was horrified to think of being married to those unkempt, foul-mouthed and irresponsible men. They certainly would not have been the example she wanted for her sons. One day it occurred to her, if a man can advertise for a wife why can't a woman advertise for a husband? So she did just that. From several responses, she decided to correspond with Gabe Hunters in Philadelphia. He would be happy to be a moral guide and educator for her sons and do his best to run the farm. When he arrived in Nebraska with his luggage and portly physique the new life for Lena and sons began. Gabe was in a new world from that of a sedentary accountant. Lena, Gabe and the boys were in for lots of give and take in their new family with some unexpected surprises.

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