Monday, October 22, 2007

His Majesty's Dragon By Naomi Novik

If you are a fan of Patrick O’Brian or Bernard Cornwell, or just love dragons this is a book for you.

Captain Will Laurence was content with his life. As one of the youngest to rise to Captain in the British Navy, he thought fighting Napoleon’s ships was all the adventure he would ever need. Little did he know how much his life was going to change when his crew captures a French ship. For this ship was transporting a dragon’s egg. A great prize for the British as dragons’ eggs are scarce and England needed more dragons and their aviators to help fight Napoleon. But this egg was close to hatching and they would never reach shore in time for a trained aviator to harness the beast. When the egg cracked it was Laurence, whom the dragon addressed and consented to carry so with a heavy heart, Laurence follows his duty and resigns from the Navy to take care of the hatchling. Leaving behind him everything he had known, and the life he had once had Laurence and his dragon, Temeraire, fly north to Scotland to beginning training in the Aerial Corps. But Temeraire is a Chinese dragon, breed for intelligence and strength and Laurence learns there is more to being a dragons’ captain than just riding a dragon.

In this first book of a series Novik weaves a story of hard won friendship, betrayal and adventure. A wonderful blending of fantasy and history, with detailed battles onboard ship and in the air, leaving you wanting more. Thank goodness there are three more books…!

Don't forget: you can place this book on hold by going to

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